
(Revised 02/07/2012, 12/2/13, 12/12/16, 4/19/21, 5/2/22, 12/9/24)


These bylaws shall be in support of the Bylaws of the Associated Students of San Diego State University and, when in conflict, shall be subordinate to them. The bylaws now and hereinafter shall define the purpose, policies and procedures of the College of Sciences Student Council of San Diego State University and shall be binding to all of its members and the organizations under its auspices.


We, the Students of the College of Sciences of San Diego State University, having solemnly resolved in the course of our pursuit of higher education to establish a well-informed and sound representative government that advocates the advancement of science, defends scientific freedom, encourages scientific responsibility, and supports scientific education and outreach for the betterment of not only ourselves, our college, and our university, but all humanity, do hereby ordain and establish these bylaws for the College of Sciences Student Council of San Diego State University.


The name of this organization shall be the College of Sciences Student Council of San Diego State University, which shall hereinafter be referred to as the College of Sciences Student Council.


The purpose of the College of Sciences Student Council shall be to serve as the representative government for the students of the College of Sciences at San Diego State University on all issues and matter pertaining to them; to advance their interests; to advocate their rights; and to oversee, manage and distribute all financial resources placed in its charge or under its auspices on their behalf in a fair and open manner.




  1. The members of the College of Sciences Student Council shall be its officers, one representative from each recognized student organization designated as an academic major-related organization affiliated with the College of Sciences by the Office of Student Life and Leadership, and four student-at-large members appointed by the Executive Board.
  2. The ex-officio members the College of Sciences Student Council shall be the Dean of the College of Sciences (or their designee), the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs of the College of Sciences (or their designee), the Associated Students President (or their designee), the Associated Students Executive Vice President (or their designee), the Associated Students Vice President of External Relations (or their designee), the Associated Students Vice President of Financial Affairs (or their designee), the Associated Students Vice President of University Affairs (or their designee), and the Associated Students University Council Representative(s) for the College of Sciences.


Duties of Membership

  1. Members shall attend all regular and special meetings of the College of Sciences Student Council.
  2. Members shall attend and participate in at least one community service event that is planned and organized by the Vice President of Community Service each semester.
  3. Members shall attend and participate in at least one additional event that is planned and organized by the College of Sciences Student Council each semester.


Qualifications and Eligibility for Membership

  1. Members must be either a matriculated undergraduate or graduate student enrolled no less than part-time at San Diego State University with a declared major, minor or pre-major in one of the academic departments or degree-issuing programs within the College of Sciences during their term of membership. Additionally, students majoring in Interdisciplinary Studies in Three Departments (IS3D) must have at least one (1) discipline falling under the College of Sciences to be considered for membership.
  2. Members must be in good academic standing as defined by the Office of the Registrar, and thus shall not be on any type of academic probation during their term of membership.
  3. Under no circumstances shall any member, including those serving as ex-officio members, be allowed to occupy more than one voting seat on the College of Sciences Student Council at any given time.




The officers of the College of Sciences Student Council shall be a President, an Executive Vice President, a Vice President of Finance, a Vice President of Public Relations, a Vice President of Marketing, a Vice President of Community Service, a Vice President of Diversity Affairs, a Secretary, and four (4) A.S. Representatives.


Duties of Office

  1. The officers shall have both the authority and responsibility to perform the duties of office prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the College of Sciences Student Council.
  2. The President shall:
    1. Preside as chair at all regular and special meetings of the College of Sciences Student Council and its Executive Board;
    2. Serve as an ex-officio member of all standing and special committees of the College of Sciences Student Council, unless otherwise stated in these bylaws;
    3. Serve as the official liaison of the College of Sciences Student Council to the Office of the Dean of the College of Sciences and meet regularly with the Dean of the College of Sciences;
    4. Serve as a member of the A.S. Academic Affairs Board, regularly attend its meetings and serve as the official liaison of the College of Sciences Student Council to the A.S. Academic Affairs Board; and
    5. Serve as the official liaison of the College of Sciences Student Council to all other college councils at San Diego State University.
  3. The Executive Vice President shall:
    1. In the absence of the President, have the authority and responsibility to perform the duties of the President and, in the case of a vacancy in the office of the President, shall succeed to the office of the President for the remainder of the unexpired term;
    2. Serve as a member of the Executive Board;
    3. Serve as an ex-officio member of all standing and special committees of the College of Sciences Student Council, unless otherwise stated in these bylaws;
    4. Serve as the official liaison of the College of Sciences Student Council to the Office of the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs of the College of Sciences and meet regularly with the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs of the College of Sciences and the President of the College of Sciences Student Council;
    5. Maintain these bylaws by periodically reviewing them and, when deemed necessary, shall prepare and submit to the College of Sciences Student Council a list of proposed amendments to these bylaws;
    6. Prepare and distribute an up-to-date copy of these bylaws to the members of the College of Sciences Student Council at its first regular meeting held each semester;
    7. Prepare and make an orientation-style presentation for Council retreats. This may include introduction to the scope of the council within Associated Students, how it operates, member requirements, and sending a copy of the bylaws to all new members of the Council; and
    8. In conjunction with the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs of the College of Sciences, verify at the beginning of each semester that both the members of the College of Sciences Student Council and its officers meet the qualifications and eligibility requirements for membership and/or office as stated in Article III Section 3 and Article IV Section 3 of these bylaws, respectively, and report the failure of any member or officer to meet these requirements to the College of Sciences Student Council by its third regular meeting of the semester.
    9. Oversee the planning and organizing of an End of Year Event for the College of Sciences students and members of the College of Sciences Student Council.
  4. The Vice President of Finance shall:
    1. Serve as the treasurer of the College of Sciences Student Council;
    2. Serve as a member of the Executive Board;
    3. Serve as the official liaison of the College of Sciences Student Council to the Associated Students Vice President of Financial Affairs, the Associated Students Business Office and the Associated Students Board of Directors Financial Affairs Committee;
    4. Serve as the official liaison of the College of Sciences Student Council to the treasurers of the recognized student organizations under its auspices;
    5. Prepare and make monthly reports to College of Sciences Student Council on its financial position;
    6. Attend one of the mandatory orientation workshops on student organization funding held by Associated Students during the fall semester each academic year;
    7. Prepare and make an orientation-style presentation to the College of Sciences Student Council that introduces its members to the financial rules and regulations of the College of Sciences Student Council and those of Associated Students by the third regular meeting of the fall semester each academic year;
    8. Prepare and submit to the College of Sciences Student Council a preliminary recommendation on the annual budget request for its funding from Associated Students for the fiscal year following his or her term no less than three weeks prior to the deadline when the final budget request must be submitted to the Associated Students Business Office;
    9. Prepare and submit to the College of Sciences Student Council a preliminary recommendation on the annual allocation of Instructionally-Related Activities funds designated for the College of Sciences for the fiscal year following his or her term no less than three weeks prior to the deadline when the final recommendation must be submitted to the Dean of the College of Sciences.
    10. Maintain an up-to-date list detailing the Financial Expenses for each Recognized Student Organization and the overall College of Sciences Student Council budget, that will be passed down to the College of Sciences Council advisor, along with the following Executive Board at the end of each academic year.
  5. The Vice President of Public Relations shall:
    1. Serve as a member of the Executive Board;
    2. Serve as the official liaison of the College of Sciences Student Council to the Associated Students Marketing & Communications Coordinator;
    3. Set up walkarounds and with organizations that do not have a representative on the council and explain what the College of Sciences Student Council encompasses;
    4. Manages the distribution of flyers and graphics to their respective places;
    5. Coordinate classroom presentations to share College of Sciences events;
    6. Connect with all of the students under the College of Sciences, not only the members on the Council; and
    7. Continue previous relationships and establish new ones within the College of Sciences and Student Life and Leadership (SLL) community.
    8. Plan and organize the participation of the College of Sciences Student Council in the student organization expositions held by the Office of Student Life and Leadership.
    9. At the beginning of the fall semester, plan and organize a mandatory Fall Tabling Exposition for all Recognized Student Organizations apart of the College of Sciences Student Council
      1. At the beginning of the Spring semester, the Executive Board can decide to hold a Spring Tabling Exposition.
  6. The Vice President of Marketing shall:
    1. Serve as a member of the Executive Board;
    2. Responsible for the production of all marketing materials including but not limited to; flyers, graphics, slide presentations, and story templates;
    3. Run and operate the social media accounts of the College of Sciences Student Council and their website by creating a branding guide to keep all marketing uniform in terms of fonts, colors, and stylistic choices; and
    4. Work with the Vice President of Public Relations to advocate for the marketing of events and upcoming activities.
  7. The Vice President of Community Service shall:
    1. Serve as a member of the Executive Board;
    2. Serve as the official liaison of the College of Sciences Student Council to the Associated Students Community Service Commissioner;
    3. Prepare and distribute an up-to-date list of ongoing and/or upcoming community service opportunities available in the San Diego area to the members of the College of Sciences Student Council.
    4. Plan and organize at least two community service events each semester that the members of the College of Sciences Student Council the members of its affiliated organizations, and all students under the College of Sciences can attend and participate in; This can count toward fulfilling the membership requirement;
    5. Prepare and make a report to the College of Sciences Student Council on its members’ record of attendance and participation in events;
    6. Maintain an up-to-date list detailing the Community Services hour totals for each member, that will be passed down to the College of Sciences Student Council advisor, along with the following Executive Board at the end of each academic year. This list will track the hours of members who hold a seat on Council and be sent to SLL; and
    7. Promote the SLL opportunity of earning recognition for completing certain numbers of hours of Community Service to all College of Sciences students.
  8. The Vice President of Diversity Affairs shall:
    1. Serve as a member of the Executive Board;
    2. Chair the CSSC Diversity Committee;
    3. Serve as the official liaison between the College of Sciences Student Council to the Associated Students’ Student Diversity Commission and attend meetings for the College of Sciences Diversity and Inclusion Council;
    4. Plan and organize at least two events each semester relating to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI);
    5. Work on at least one specific goal to improve DEI in the CoS;
    6. Work with the VP of Marketing to share ideas and information promoting DEI initiatives in the CoS;
  9. The Secretary shall:
    1. Serve as the secretary of the College of Sciences Student Council and its Executive Board;
    2. Serve as a member of the Executive Board;
    3. Serve as the official liaison of the College of Sciences Student Council to the Secretary of the Associated Students University Council;
    4. Prepare and make monthly reports to the College of Sciences Student Council on its members’ records of attendance at regular and special meetings; and
    5. Send meeting minutes to the member of the College of Sciences Student Council after every meeting and prior to the following College of Sciences Student Council meeting; and
    6. Send meeting minutes to the Associated Students Government Secretary after every meeting and prior to the following College of Sciences Student Council meeting;
    7. Send All Council meeting agendas to the Secretary of Associated Students 96 hours prior to the relevant College of Sciences Student Council meeting to be posted on the A.S. website.
  10. The A.S. Representatives shall:
    1. Serve as members of the Executive Board;
    2. Serve as the official liaisons of the College of Sciences Student Council to the Associated Students University Council;
    3. Be required to send out one (1) monthly email to their respective college regarding A.S. and College of Sciences Student Council updates and information. They can be in the form of a monthly newsletter unless deemed otherwise by the Executive Board;
    4. Work on at least one initiative to expand how the College of Sciences serves its students;
    5. Be required to hold a minimum of one (1) open forum per semester for their respective college to voice their concerns;
    6. Be responsible to promote the A.S. values within the College of Sciences: professional development, campus community, communication, advocacy, sharing governance, service, diversity, and sustainability; and
    7. Uphold all ASUC Membership responsibilities as detailed in Section 52 of the Associated Students University Council bylaws.


Qualifications and Eligibility for Office 

  1. No person may hold more than one (1) position in the College of Sciences Student Council, including A.S. and organization representatives.
  2. Any student elected or appointed as an officer of the College Council must be a matriculated student in good standing at San Diego State University, enrolled no less than part-time with a declared major or pre-major within the College they wish to serve. Additionally, students majoring in Interdisciplinary Studies in Three Departments (IS3D) must have at least one (1) discipline falling under the College of Sciences to be considered for membership.
  3. Officers shall meet the regular qualifications and eligibility requirements for membership to the College of Sciences Student Council as stated in Article III Section 3 of these bylaws during their term of office.
  4. Neither the President, the Executive Vice President, or the Vice President of Finance shall be on any type of disciplinary probation during their term of office.
  5. Officers may lose their eligibility for office if they accrue three (3) unexcused absences per semester, only one (1) of which may be unexcused. All three (3) absences accumulated in a semester may be excused. This includes both the Executive Board and Council meetings. In unprecedented circumstances (e.g. global pandemic) or other emergencies, the Secretary will set attendance policies at the first official All Council meeting.


Election and Term of Office

  1. The officers of the College of Sciences Student Council shall be elected by ballot to serve for one academic year or until their successors are elected, and their term of office shall begin at the close of the last regular meeting of College of Sciences Student Council held during the spring semester each academic year.
  2. The officers shall be elected by the College of Sciences Student Council annually within the last month of regular meetings in the spring semester each academic year.
  3. The officers shall be elected at the annual election of officers in the following order: President, Executive Vice President, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Public Relations, Vice President of Marketing, Vice President of Community Service, Vice President of Diversity Affairs, and Secretary.
  4. When only one candidate is nominated for an office that candidate may be elected by a voice vote instead of by ballot.


Vacancies of Office 

  1. If the office of the President becomes vacant for any reason before the previous President’s regular term of office has expired, then the vacancy in office of the President shall be filled by the currently serving Executive Vice President.
  2. If any office other than that of the President becomes vacant for any reason before the previous officer’s regular term of office has expired, then the vacancy in the office shall be filled by an appointee of the Executive Board who meets the qualifications and eligibility requirements for office stated in Article IV Section 3 of these bylaws and is approved by a majority vote of the College of Sciences Student Council.
  3. In the event that the offices of the President and the Executive Vice President become vacant at the same time for any reason before the previous President’s and Executive Vice President’s term of office has expired, then the vacancies in the office of the President and the Executive Vice President shall be filled by electing a new President and Executive Vice President during a special election held at the next regular meeting of the College of Sciences Student Council. Only currently serving members of the College of Sciences Student who meet the regular qualifications and eligibility requirements for office as stated in Article IV Section 3 of these bylaws shall be eligible to be nominated for office during the special election.



Regular Meetings

Regular meetings of the College of Sciences Student Council shall be held each fall and spring semester during the academic year on a weekly basis every Wednesday at 1:00 pm until the week prior to final examinations, unless otherwise ordered by the College of Sciences Student Council.


Special Meetings

  1. Special meetings of the College of Sciences Student Council may be called by the President with the approval of a majority vote by the Executive Board and shall be called upon the written request of seven members of the College of Sciences Student Council. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call. Except in cases of emergency, at least seven days’ notice shall be given. No business shall be transacted except that mentioned in the call of the special meeting.
  2. At the beginning of the fall semester, all members of the College of Sciences Student Council must attend an All Council Retreat held one week after the second official council meeting.
    1. At the beginning of the Spring semester, the Executive Board can decide to hold a Council Retreat that only new members are required to attend. Returning members can choose to attend this retreat.



Nine members of the College of Sciences Student Council voting members shall constitute a quorum at all regular and special meetings.



  1. Members shall attend all regular and special meetings for a minimum of fifty minutes starting from the meeting time established in the call of the meeting or until the meeting is adjourned, whichever occurs first.
  2. Members arriving late to a regular or special meeting after the roll has been called shall have a one-half unexcused absence applied to their record of attendance by the Secretary.
  3. Members leaving early from a regular or special meeting before the fifty minute minimum attendance requirement has been met or before the meeting has been adjourned shall have a one-half unexcused absence applied to their record of attendance by the Secretary.
    1. To the Secretary’s discretion, members may use another individual from the respective organization’s executive board to fill in an absence no more than twice in a given semester.
  4. Members with more than three (3) unexcused absences on their record of attendance at regular and special meetings in any given semester may be called by the President and members of the Executive Board to review their membership on the Council. Of the three (3) absences allowed, no more than one (1) absence may be unexcused. All three (3) absences accumulated in a semester may be excused. In unprecedented circumstances (eg. Global pandemic) or other emergencies, the Secretary will set attendance policies by the first official All Council meeting.
    1. Members with more than three (3) absences on their record of attendance may be called by the President, Executive Vice President, and Assistant Dean of Student Affairs to hold a meeting with the representative and their respective organization’s President to discuss their membership on the Council. Loss of organization funding may be upheld, but exceptions may be made on a case by case basis and to the discretion of the parties stated.
  5. Acceptable excuses for a member’s absence at any regular or special meeting may include, but not be limited to, prior engagements, emergencies, and conflicts with the member’s ability to perform his or her duties and/or responsibilities to the College of Sciences Student Council. For prior engagements, a member must notify the Secretary at least 24 hours in advance of the expected absence. For emergencies, the member must notify the Secretary no later than seven days after the absence occurs. In the case of appeals or when deemed necessary by the Secretary, the excuse for a member’s absence shall be reviewed for approval by the Executive Board.


Public Comment

No less than five minutes at all regular and special meetings shall be allotted for non members of the Council. Students within the College of Sciences shall receive first priority in the list of speakers for these public comments.




  1. The members of the Executive Board shall be the officers of the College of Sciences Student Council.
  2. The Assistant Dean for Student Affairs of the College of Sciences shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Board.


Powers and Duties

  1. The Executive Board shall have the authority and responsibility to act on behalf of the College of Sciences Student Council when it is not meeting regularly. When any such action is taken by the Executive Board, the minutes of the meeting in which the action was taken shall be distributed to and reviewed by the College of Sciences Student Council at its next regular meeting.
  2. The Executive Board shall determine the agenda (or order of business) for all regular and special meetings of the College of Sciences Student Council.


Regular Meetings

Regular meetings of the Executive Board shall be held no less than biweekly during the fall and spring semester each academic year beginning on the week of the first day of classes until the week of the last day of classes before final examinations, unless otherwise ordered by the Executive Board.


Special Meetings

Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the President and shall be called upon the written request of three members of the Executive Board. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call. Except in cases of emergency, at least seven days’ notice shall be given. No business shall be transacted except that mentioned in the call of the special meeting.



Half of the members plus one (1) of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum at all regular and special meetings.



Annual Budget

  1. The annual budget request for funding from Associated Students shall be approved by a two-thirds vote of the College of Sciences Student Council before its submission to the Associated Students Business Office during the spring semester each academic year.
  2. No less than one-half of the total amount of funds sought in the annual budget request for funding from Associated Students shall be allocated to recognized student organizations affiliated with the College of Sciences Student Council.


Eligibility for Funds

  1. Recognized student organizations designated as an academic major-related organization affiliated with the College of Sciences by the Office of Student Life and Leadership who maintain their membership as stated in Article III Sections 1-3 of these bylaws shall be eligible to receive funding. Those who do not meet requirements on a semester basis stated in Article III Section 3 may not receive an allocation of funds the following academic year or semester.
  2. New members, whether from a new recognized student organization or bringing back an inactive organization for one or more semesters, shall attend at least three consecutive official general body meetings from the time that the organization joins council after being recognized by Student Life and Leadership (SLL) to be considered eligible for funds from the College of Sciences Student Council.


Request of Funds

Recognized student organizations will be granted an allocation of guaranteed funding at the start of each academic year. These allocations may be increased at the discretion of the executive board. Recognized student organizations eligible to receive funding may make a request for funding from the College of Sciences Student Council’s unallocated account at any regular or special meeting, provided the request has been submitted in writing to the Vice President of Finance at least seven days prior to the meeting at which the request will be reviewed.


Disbursement of Funds

Any person requesting a reimbursement for expenditures through funding allocated to the College of Sciences Student Council or one of its affiliated recognized student organizations must submit a properly formatted check request and any supporting documentation required by Associated Students to the Vice President of Finance before the funds can be released. Upon receiving a properly formatted check request with supporting documentation, the Vice President of Finance shall review the request, and at the Vice President of Finance’s discretion request a presentation to be given at the next regular meeting of the College of Sciences Student Council. Following its review, a majority vote by the College of Sciences Student Council in favor of approving the check request shall authorize the Vice President of Finance to release the requested funds. Once approved, the Vice President of Finance shall have the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs of the College of Sciences sign the check request and then submit it, along with its supporting documentation, to the Associated Students Business Office in a timely manner.


Reallocation of Funds

  1. Recognized student organizations provided an allocation of funds in the annual budget who fail to elect or appoint a representative to the membership of the College of Sciences Student Council and/or fail to inform the President who their designated representative is by the third regular meeting of the fall semester each academic year shall have their funds seized and reallocated to the College of Sciences Student Council’s unallocated account, unless otherwise ordered by the College of Sciences Student Council.
  2. Recognized student organizations provided an allocation of funds who fail to spend their funds by the third-to-last regular meeting of the spring semester each academic year must submit in writing to the Vice President of Finance by the second-to-last regular meeting of the spring semester a proposed list of expenditures for which their remaining funds will be spent. Those organizations who fail to do so shall have their remaining funds seized and reallocated to the College of Sciences Student Council’s unallocated account, unless otherwise ordered by the College of Sciences Student Council.
  3. Recognized student organizations provided an allocation of funds who fail to elect or appoint new representative to the membership of the College of Sciences Student Council by the third regular meeting following a vacancy in their voting seat shall have their remaining funds seized and reallocated to the College of Sciences Student Council’s unallocated account, unless otherwise ordered by the College of Sciences Student Council.


The rules contained in the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised and the Gloria Romero Open Meeting Act of 2000 shall govern the College of Sciences Student Council in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws, any special rules of order the College of Sciences Student Council may adopt, and the Bylaws of the Associated Students of San Diego State University.


The Charter may be amended or revised by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Associated Students Board of Directors, as specified in Section 73 of the Associated Students Bylaws. All proposed amendments or revisions shall be reviewed by the College of Sciences Student Council and the A.S. Judicial Affairs Council prior to consideration by the Associated Students Board of Directors.