
(Revised 12/2/13, 4/25/15, 4/24/17, 12/03/18, 4/19/21)


The College Business Council (CBC) is the student governing body of the San Diego State University Fowler College of Business. The CBC is funded by the Associated Students of San Diego State University. This charter shall be in support of the Bylaws of the Associated Students of San Diego State University and, when in conflict, shall be subordinate to that of the Associated Students of San Diego State University Bylaws. This charter now and hereinafter shall define the purpose and policies of the Association and shall be binding to all members and organizations under the auspices of the Fowler College of Business. The elected officers consist of the President, Executive Vice President, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Marketing, Vice President of External Relations, and Vice President of Communications. The CBC Student Organization Representatives and the A.S. Representatives are elected or appointed by the organizations represented on the CBC.


We, the members of the College of Business Council of the Fowler College of Business of San Diego State University, in order to establish representative government, promote business careers to all University students, facilitate participation in community service events and improve the educational experience of the students of San Diego State University, do hereby affirm and establish this charter.



The official name of this organization shall be the College of Business Council of the Fowler College of Business of San Diego State University”, hereinafter referred to as CBC. The official colors of this organization shall be scarlet and black.



Members of the Association shall consist of all SDSU students in the Fowler College of Business and business affiliated organizations of San Diego State University.



To develop, provide, implement, and continuously work to improve a central body for the conduct of business and policies pertaining to all members of recognized CBC organizations.


To assist the officers of the individual affiliated Fowler College of Business student organizations by providing a forum to discuss, communicate, and act upon ideas of mutual interest.


To organize and promote participation in events and activities of the Fowler College of Business and affiliated organizations.


To provide a representative body of students with authority to act and implement on behalf of all Fowler College of Business students in interaction with other groups and organizations (on and off campus), pertinent to the Fowler College of Business.



The CBC shall be the student governing body of the Fowler College of Business.


The CBC shall consist of the Executive Board, Student Organizations Representatives, Associated Students Fowler College of Business Representatives, and the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs in the Fowler College of Business (Advisor). The Assistant Dean shall have the authority to appoint a Co-Advisor to CBC.


The laws of the CBC shall consist of the bylaws of the Associated Students at San Diego State University, the policies, rules, and regulations of San Diego State University, and this charter.


The CBC shall have the right to self-governance as deemed by the Associated Students, San Diego State University.


The authority of CBC shall be vested in the Executive Officers.


CBC shall not adopt any policy, which abolishes the freedom of speech, assembly, press, religion, or any basic rights of individuals; nor shall it violate the policies set forth by the University Affirmative Action Document or the Associated Students Bylaws.


This charter may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Voting Membership in good standing.


All meetings of CBC shall be conducted according to parliamentary laws set forth in the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Revised.



The CBC shall be empowered to determine policies of the Council.


The CBC shall be empowered to direct the student organizations within the Fowler College of Business in accordance with A.S. Bylaws and allocate funds and other resources to these organizations.


The CBC shall be empowered to petition to remove funding from an organization if a majority vote is approved by the voting members in good standing.


The power of CBC must stay in accordance with the Bylaws of the Associated Students, San Diego State University.



CBC is comprised of those persons who are declared majors, pre-majors, or minors within the Fowler College of Business of San Diego State University, and paying regular Associated Students fees.


Students who are not declared majors or minors within the College of Business may serve as representatives to CBC provided the following requirements are met:

  1. The student is an executive member of an organization recognized by CBC.
  2. The student was elected as the representative of his or her organization to CBC.


For potential organizations to become recognized, have a representative hold a vote, and receive funding through the council, an introductory semester must be completed. During the introduction phase the prospective organization must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Display that the organization promotes business careers to its members and that the organization utilizes the knowledge of core business practices.
  2. Contact the President of CBC and provide an overview of the organization including a list of officers and faculty advisor.
  3. Have no more than two (2) unexcused absences at CBC council meetings.
  4. Participate in all CBC events.
  5. At the end of the period the organization must meet approval of CBC. Approval is obtained by a two thirds acceptance vote by the council.
  6. The student organization must be recognized by a major affiliated within the Fowler College of Business through Student Life and Leadership.


The voting members of CBC shall be the Executive Officers, the Representatives from student organizations recognized by CBC, and the Representatives for the Fowler College of Business Administration to the Associated Students Council. Organizations participating in the introductory semester hold no vote.


Each eligible voting member in good standing of CBC shall be entitled to one vote on all voting matters. This vote shall represent the views of a majority of the constituents that member represents. Each semester each organization is required to submit a roster list of organization executives and the designated representative. In order for an organization to use its entitled vote the voter must be an individual on the organization list.


Student Organizations shall be granted Voting Membership (1 voting seat) if they are recognized as an on campus organization that is recognized and accepted into CBC.


Good Standing Policy

The student elected or appointed to a voting position on the CBC must maintain good academic standing throughout the entire year.


Attendance and Good Standing Policy continued

  1. All members of the Association are required to attend all weekly meetings, leadership retreats, and other mandatory functions deemed necessary by the Executive Board.
  2. Two or more unexcused absences per semester will result in the member to be held in question and require a meeting with the Executive Board.
  3. A total of six (6) absences, excused or unexcused, will result in the member to be held in question and require a meeting with the Executive Board.
  4. Student Organizations that are not present at all weekly meetings will jeopardize their chances to receive funding the following semester, as deemed fair by the Vice President of Finance and the President.
  5. Organizations and representatives that fail to comply with the attendance policies will be subject to a probationary period.


Probationary Period

In the event that a recognized organization of CBC fails to meet the attendance policy the organization shall then be placed on probation. The organization shall be on probation for a period of one semester during which time funding to the organization will be taken away. In order to be moved from probation back to good standing the organization is required to have attendance in good standing as stated in Section 26 subsection B for one semester and at the end of the period meet approval of the council. If there is two thirds approval vote by the council then the organization shall be back in good standing. If the organization fails to display a commitment to CBC during the probation period the organization may lose the recognized status. The organization will be given the opportunity to appeal such a decision. If during the probation period the organization fails to display a commitment to CBC and CBC may choose that the organization lose recognized status. The organization will be given the opportunity to appeal such a decision. If the organization loses recognized status, the organization must participate in the introductory process (see Section (X)) in order to regain recognized status, funding, and voting rights. Note: a probationary period can carry over from Fall to Spring semester but cannot carry over from Spring to Fall if the actions happen within the last four weeks of the spring semester.



The CBC shall meet once every school week for the conduct of business, with the first meeting in each semester being no later than the second week of classes.


A schedule of regular meetings of CBC shall be made public at the beginning of each semester.


A majority (more than half) of the Voting Members in good standing shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business at any meeting of the CBC.


All meetings of the CBC shall be open to the public. All guests have the right to participate fully in the meeting except that they shall not have the right to vote or make motions to vote.


The CBC President may call special meetings of CBC and must call special meetings at the written request of five (5) voting members of CBC.


Meeting Organization – The following actions shall be taken each meeting in the proper order:

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Agenda
  4. Approval of Previous Minutes
  5. Public Comment
  6. Discussion Items
  7. Action Items
  8. Executive Officer Reports
  9. Student Organization Representative Reports
  10. General Announcements
  11. Adjournment



The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Executive Vice President, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Marketing, Vice President of External Relations, Vice President of Communications, , and the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs in the College of Business (Advisor), and a Co-Advisor, when appointed by the Assistant Dean.


The CBC Executive Board shall represent the Council to administrators and students, and shall provide leadership to support the overall goals and purpose of the CBC.


All members of the Executive Board shall receive one vote, with the exception of the President who shall vote only in the case of a tie.


The CBC Advisor(s) shall serve as a non-voting member of the Executive Board.


Any vacancy in any office of CBC shall be fulfilled by a special election of appointments approved by CBC. Such a replacement shall serve until the next general election.

  1. Vacant A.S. Representative positions shall be filled immediately.


The position of President shall be made open only to students who are majors in the College of Business. All other positions on the executive committee shall be open to students who are majors, minors, pre-majors of the College of Business. All individuals running for an executive position must be verified by CBC. The individuals must be verified and signed off by an CBC advisor prior to the election.


Duties of each Executive Officer:

  1. President
    1. The President shall be the executive head of the College of Business Council and shall preside over its meetings and shall have the power to call special meetings when considered necessary.
    2. The President shall enforce strict observance of the laws and policies of the College of Business Council, shall decide points of order, shall have power to appoint any officers or committees not provided for by the bylaws of the CBC, and shall have authority to preside over any committee of the CBC.
    3. The President shall not be entitled to vote within the CBC except: a) in the election of the CBC Officers; b) in the election of council seats; c) during endorsements; and d) in the event of a tie vote. The President may appoint a parliamentarian and a representative for the Undergraduate Committee of the College of Business. The President shall represent and act on behalf of the CBC at any applicable event.
    4. The President shall be empowered to make all decisions concerning the day-to-day operations of the Fowler CBC.
    5. The President shall submit a final report at the end of each semester outlining their goals, accomplishments, suggestions for improvement for the next semester. These reports shall be reviewed during the transition period with the newly elected President.
  2. Executive Vice President
    1. The Executive Vice President shall succeed to the Presidency and assume the duties of the President should vacancy occur in that office.
    2. The Executive Vice President shall assist the President in the performance of the President’s duties; attend all meetings of the CBC and the Executive Board.
    3. The Executive Vice President shall be responsible for events and activities to promote the interests and further the development of the Voting Members and Organizations represented by the CBC.
    4. The Executive Vice President shall coordinate CBC club and organizational participation, collaboration and mentoring with the residential living/learning communities for the Fowler College of Business Administration. They shall work closely with the Co-Advisers to CBC and the business faculty teaching the business freshman seminars – BA 100 – to ensure CBC club/org involvement, i.e., student panels, site visits, student mentoring opportunities, Learning Community visits to club/org meetings and other opportunities.
    5. The Executive Vice President shall be in charge of maintenance enforcement of the CBC charter .
    6. The President shall be responsible for the successful operation and maintenance of the CBC website.
  3. Vice President of Finance
    1. The Vice President of Finance shall assist the President in the performance of the President’s duties; attend all meetings of the CBC and the Executive Board.
    2. The Vice President of Finance shall have the responsibility of overseeing fiscal activities of the CBC.
    3. The Vice President of Finance shall be responsible for coordinating and communicating Financial Policies of the CBC to the organizations of the CBC; shall coordinate with the Associated Students to hold a review of Financial Policies and Reimbursement Procedures of the Associated Students; shall coordinate with the University regarding the distribution of IRA funds.
    4. The Vice President of Finance shall keep an accurate account of all funds received and expended, and shall make expenditures only upon written authorization of the President of the CBC. The Vice President Finance shall be the custodian of all financial books of account of the CBC, which shall at all times be open to inspection and examination by the CBC Council or such individuals, committees, or task forces as it may appoint; shall deposit all funds in the name of and to the credit of the CBC; and shall prepare a budget covering all expected income and all necessary expenditures of the CBC for the academic year at the beginning of the year.
    5. The Vice President of Finance must relinquish all financial papers and supporting documents to the incoming VP of Finance at the end of his or her term.
  4. Vice President of Marketing
    1. The Vice President Marketing shall assist the President in the performance of the President’s duties; attend all meetings of the CBC and the Executive Board.
    2. The Vice President of Marketing shall be responsible for the operation of Internal and External publications, all CBC publicity, any printed materials, and all graphic creations for events/promotions.
    3. The Vice President of Marketing shall be responsible for updating all of the social media sites of CBC, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  5. Vice President of External Relations
    1. The Vice President External Relations shall assist the President in the performance of the President’s duties; attend all meetings of the CBC and the Executive Board.
    2. The Vice President External Relations shall be responsible for promoting the recruiting of and the providing of internships for students.
    3. The Vice President External Relations shall act as liaison and coordinate with Career Services and the Career Management Center; and shall be responsible for promoting.
    4. The Vice President of External Relations shall be responsible for coordinating any/all volunteer opportunities for the college council, as well as the point of contact for Aztecs Rock Hunger.
    5. The Vice President of External Relations shall be responsible for the planning of the Business Achievement Awards in conjunction with all other executive board members support.
  6. Vice President of Communications
    1. The Vice President of Communications shall assist the President in the performance of the President’s duties; attend all meetings of the CBC and the Executive Board.
    2. The Vice President of Communications will serve as the Parliamentarian for CBC meetings and be responsible for the production and distribution of general meeting minutes and agendas.
    3. The Vice President of Communications will also be responsible for keeping track of attendance, and reporting any violations of CBC charter to the Executive Vice President.
    4. The Vice President of Communication will be responsible for managing all membership/contact rosters as well as social channel platform and calendar updates.
    5. They will serve ad the point of contact for all matters,
  7. A.S. Representatives:
    1. Shall be required to send any A.S. updates to the Fowler Marketing Assistant to be included in the monthly Dean’s email, and any time-sensitive information to the Assistant Dean.Shall be required to hold a minimum of one (1) open forum per semester for Business students to voice their concerns.
    2. Are responsible to promote the A.S. values with Business students: professional development, campus community, communication, advocacy, shared governance, service, diversity, and sustainability.
    3. Shall be in charge of any council icebreakers or social activities.
    4. Shall be in communication with Student Life & Leadership to best assist organizations with re-recognition & required trainings.
  8. Executive Officers:
    1. No person may hold more than one (1) position in the Associated Business Student Council, including A.S. and organization representatives.
  9. Officers Eligibility
    1. Any student elected or appointed as an officer on the College of Business Council must be a matriculated student in good standing at San Diego State University with a declared major in the College of Business.



Students elected or appointed to the CBC shall have the mandatory responsibility to:

  1. Attend all CBC Meetings. All voting members of CBC shall be allowed no more than three (3) unexcused or two (2) consecutive absences at regular meetings during each semester. The President or the Executive Vice President may excuse any absence with a valid excuse.
  2. Attend or have an alternate representative attend all CBC events and functions.


Organization Representatives shall also have the responsibility to:

  1. Communicate with and inform CBC of the opinions of their constituency.
  2. Deliver CBC reports to executive and general body members of organizations. Report organization activities and events to the CBC.
  3. Contribute their efforts toward CBC activities as required


Business representatives to the A.S. University Council will be responsible for representing and voicing the views and the opinions of CBC to the A.S. University Council.

  1. Shall Inform CBC of any matters of interest and importance to the Fowler College of Business Administration brought up in A.S. University Council meetings.
  2. Shall contribute their efforts toward CBC activities as required.



If necessary, any member of the CBC may be removed from office.


If at any point during an office term an executive member changes his/her major and no longer is a major, minor, or pre-major in the College of Business shall be subject to removal. The executive member will be allowed to hold his/her position until the end of the semester in which case a replacement must be found.


An executive board member may be removed from office upon three (3) unexcused absences, the executive officer has an option to appeal. Additionally, a total of six (6) absences, excused or unexcused, may result in a removal from the Council, the executive officer has an opportunity to appeal.



The following oath of office must be taken by all the new CBC officers and representatives as they take office: “I (name in full), as an elected (officer/representative) of the  Fowler College of Business Administration, San Diego State University, accept my position and  do swear that I will strive to improve the Fowler College of Business Council and work toward bettering the Fowler College of Business Council. With these thoughts in mind, I shall set as my goal the betterment of the Fowler College of Business Council, San Diego State University, I so affirm.”



All candidates for A.S. Executive Officer elections seeking an endorsement from CBC must speak in front of the council on a date to be determined by the council and coinciding with A.S. General Elections.


All candidates receiving a majority vote shall be endorsed by the CBC.


Voting shall be done in closed session by the voting members of CBC only.


Voting members of CBC that are seeking endorsement shall not be permitted to participate in the endorsement discussion or voting. Said candidates shall have equal opportunity to seek endorsement, but they shall be marked as abstaining from voting.

  1. If the CBC President is seeking endorsement, he/she shall appoint one of the Vice    Presidents to Chair the meeting and endorsement proceedings.



Amendments to the CBC Charter or Bylaws must be presented in writing to the CBC for discussion.


The Charter may be amended or revised at any CBC meeting with a 2/3 approving vote by Council.


Amendments to the Charter become effective immediately upon adoption.


A master copy with the dates of any voted changes, amendments, or revisions to the Charter will be kept on file in the A.S. Government Affairs Office.


The Charter may be amended or revised by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Associated Students Board of Directors, as specified in Section 73 of the Associated Students Bylaws. All proposed amendments or revisions shall be reviewed by the Undeclared College Council and the A.S. Judicial Affairs Council prior to consideration by the Associated Students Board of Directors.