
CBC Meetings:

Tuesdays (bi-weekly, starting 1/28)

9:00 a.m.

Council Chambers,
Aztec Student Union,
3rd Floor

Student Feedback Form

Organization Events Calendar

Spring 2024 CBC Schedule

Event Submission Form

Strategic Plan

The Fowler College of Business Council (CBC) is one of the seven (7) College Councils which act as a liaison between student organizations and SDSU’s student government, Associated Students (A.S.). The CBC was designed to help support active clubs or organizations within the college and serves to provide funding for participating clubs and their members by working with A.S. These funds can be used for many diverse purposes. Student organizations can engage guest speakers, pay registration fees for various conferences, purchase supplies and banners, advertise meetings with flyers, and more.

Student representatives of the CBC meet weekly to discuss policies and negotiate decisions. Information is communicated and distributed between A.S., the Council, the Fowler College of Business, and the student organizations. The Council participates in both on and off-campus events and offers opportunities to develop leadership skills and become active members of the student community. It is a great way to become involved and familiar with the university, the Fowler College of Business, and student organizations on campus. The meetings are open to students, faculty, staff, and the public.